Search the A2J Blog
Welcome! This blog is one aspect of the Manitoba Access to Justice website, an initiative of The University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Law, Robson Hall.
Here, we will post, on a weekly or semi-weekly basis, developments from across Canada related to access to justice, with an emphasis on how these developments are particularly relevant to Manitoba. We define access to justice broadly.

Principal Editor & Contributor
Principal Editor & Contributor
The developments noted on this blog could be:
- Changes to the law in Manitoba or elsewhere in Canada with an access to justice angle;
- Interesting cases that touch upon access to justice from Manitoba or which may be applicable in Manitoba;
- Highlighting research and conferences on access to justice; and/or
- Reporting on initiatives on access to justice within Canada in general and Manitoba in particular.
We look forward to “seeing” you on the blog. Please feel free to write to us about potential developments that may fit within the blog’s mandate.
Natasha Brown & Gerard J. Kennedy
Principal Editors and Contributors
The views expressed in these blogs do not necessarily reflect the views of the Faculty of Law at the University of Manitoba and should not be construed as legal advice or endorsement.
Latest posts
- Public Legal Education Association of Canada’s Virtual Fair
- Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: Palamar v Palamar
- Manitoba’s Justice System is “Forward-Looking”
- Foresights for Human Rights 2024 Preliminary Report
- The Role of Libraries in Enhancing Access to Justice in Canada